How to create content that people read?

ecommerce business

Developing a content for any website is highly important. How is your audience going to be cognizant of your organization’s work otherwise? Content development is not just limited to increasing awareness about your services among people but also ensuring whatever you deliver expands knowledge of your readers. A content without meaning and sufficient knowledge is similar to a boat without planks. Just as planks help in the movement of the boat in water, content filled with knowledge helps in the development of any company.

Good readers crave for new and effective content daily. Without content the website cannot reach its potential customers and vice a versa. Not necessarily copying others of your lane, content writing means developing something unique. If a company keeps on serving content on the same topic, changing the headlines, customers will gradually loose their interest. Content plays a crucial role in attracting customers , the only thing organizations work for. Content development is a lot different from writing everything that comes up in the mind of writer. You can not create a mess while writing as it won’t be readable.

Framing content that can be easily read and understood by the audience is of huge importance. What else is the job of content if not this? Contents are created with the sole purpose that people read them and understand them. They are created so that whosoever reads gets a more deeper knowledge on that particular thing. However, if the content itself is not reader friendly then it is of no use to the organization as well as to consumers. Framing readable content has the following benefits :

  • Reader gets whatever you want to convey through your content.
  • It imparts broad knowledge to the readers.
  • You gain constant readers.
  • Easy for readers to read.
  • Your content is appreciated.

The benefits are a lot more than those mentioned above. One cannot completely lay down all the benefits and importance of readable content. Only knowing the benefits of something will serve you no purpose until and unless you implement it. Hence, it is important to frame readable content to achieve these benefits. The most usual question everyone encounters is how to frame a content that people read? The answer to this question is not as complex as one might think. You can frame readable content by making some small changes in the way you write. These changes may seem small but in reality these are the changes that will result in your content being readable.

Effective ways to create content that people read

  1. Strong start

Give your content a strong start. We have heard this a million times to present ourselves in the best way possible in the first meet, as the first impression is the last one. Same goes with content. When you write something try to represent your content in the best way possible in the start. Focusing more on the start doesn’t mean you forget to give strong facts and information in the rest of the part of your content. You should work on improving that also but as mentioned earlier, give such a start that it attracts your readers.

For giving a strong start, you can start off with some of your solid viewpoints regarding that particular article, or you can also start with question related to that thing which you know will excite readers to read further. If your starting of the content is not interesting then most of your readers won’t even read the full content. They  will leave soon without reading till the end. It really doesn’t matter for the readers what you have written in the middle or how much innovative content you have created in the rest part if the starting is not appealing. In order to avoid the situation of being ignored, try not to do a boring start to your content. Find appropriate ways that will definitely attract your readers attention and they stay and read till the very last.

  • Frame a catchy headline

What attracted you to this content? The question asked, right? You don’t have to keep your headline basic and common. Think something out of the box and frame your idea into words. Your unique headline will attract your customers to read your content. The headline should definitely not be common to any other content of the same category. For instance if you’re writing something on fishes and your competitors have chosen their headline for this topic to be, different types of fishes, you should not frame your headline around the same line. You should make it innovative and completely different from what others have chosen.

When you develop a catchy headline it will separate your content from others of the same type. Customers will start visiting your content so to know what else you have written which is different from others. The headline in short reflects all the efforts you have put in your whole content. If the headline is not attractive and is similar to the content available outside, then surely no one’s going to read it. People will think reading the same content over and over again is a total time waste. Even though you’ve written unique things in the rest content, if your headline doesn’t reflect your uniqueness then it’s of no use. So frame a headline that you know will surely result in grabbing the eye balls of people and will increase their interest in reading you.

  • Use short paragraphs

To be honest, if you are someone into writing Without paragraphs or less usage of paragraphs then the content you are providing  can totally not be readable. Put yourself into the shoe of your readers and think, are you going to read something that has no break in between and appears like a never ending work? Well, nobody can do that. People slowly loose grasp on the content which is without paragraphs.

A content without breaks also leads to confusion. Readers are not able to recognize where the content started and where it is going to end. It makes it difficult to understand what the writer wants to convey. Writing contents without para’s also results in customers missing the important information. In their hurry to find out the context of your content, they miss the information which you wanted to  convey. There is no benefit of such type of content if it doesn’t serve for any purpose to the targeted audience.

Breaking your content in paragraphs thus is important for the better understanding of the readers. Now breaking content into paragraphs doesn’t mean you start breaking content irrelevantly. You must not break content without making any sense. All these points need to be considered essentially in order to create paragraphs for easy reader friendly content.

  • Don’t miss headings

Can you understand the context of something without heading? No, heading is a crucial element to be included while writing content. Just framing the headline of the content is not what is meant by adding headings. Headline is a must, without it there will be no name to your content. Similar is with other headings in the content. Try creating headings where ever necessary so that your readers understand what your content is about in that particular section. Otherwise your content will be completely confusing. To make your headings more readable change the font or style of the heading. This will differentiate your heading from rest of the part of your content.

Headings ease the complexity in reading for the readers. Readers find it more easy to read and understand when headings are framed for each and every different thing. A specific content can have about 8-9 headings or even more depending upon the width of the content. These headings are framed to give a summarized knowledge of the content that is written below it. For example, writing about fish can consist of headings like – Different types of fishes, the colors of fishes, where are these fish available and lots more. Make these headlines bold so that it easily gets hold of the readers attention.

  • Use bullet points and short sentences

Your content can include all the above explained points on how to create reader friendly content and still not be readable. This is because the most important aspect of including key points, bullets and framing short sentences is still not known to you. Include bullet points where ever you can add them. When you are pointing out benefits, importance, demerits etc. of something, use bullets to make it readable. The bullets will make it more clear for the reader to understand the information.

Frame short sentences. Long sentences are highly confusing and can contain more than necessary information about something you are writing. Long sentences will probably be time consuming. On the other hand, short sentences are readable. People tend to understand the Information in short sentences much better than that in long ones. To frame short sentences, you must not however cut the necessary information. Short sentences must be created wherever necessary. Including bullet points and short sentences will undoubtedly make your content more readable and engaging. People will  enjoy reading your content only if you include bullets. It is more attractive to read things in points rather than in paras, especially information like benefits, importance , demerits and other possible things.

  • Connect to your audience

The most easy thing a writer can do to make the content readable is to try connecting with the audience. The tone of the writer reflects a lot about the knowledge and expertise it has. So, keep your tone simple yet effective. Try to frame sentences in such a manner that it gives readers a hint that you’re actually talking to them. Connecting with your readers ensures that you are not just copying some bookish language in your content rather you are providing content to the best of your knowledge for their benefit. It takes you more closer to your readers. Your readers are able to understand and read your content more easily.

Don’t use completely informal method in order to connect to your readers. Keep it decent as well as polite. Your expertise must be clearly reflected by the way you connect with your readers.

The conclusion

These were the top 6 methods to create useful and effective content that people read. A content without reader base is of no use and hence to ensure your content gets readers you must follow these small tricks. Once you follow them  you’ll notice it will give your content a complete different look. It will become more enjoyable to read and become engaging and attractive. If you’ve not yet followed these readable content tips start following from today and enjoy the benefits.